In 1994, initially serving and protecting Plattekloof Glen and Monte Vista. District Watch now services 16 suburbs.

Yes, we are registered with SAIDSA (South African Intruder Detection Services Association) and PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority).

They are all trained and registered with PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority) and receive monthly training. They are trained in advanced driving; firearm training; first aid; counselling; crime scene management; firefighting; and tactical awareness. They also clearly understand community dynamics.

Yes, it is a natural and essential part of our service. Systems include access control; alarm installation; CCV installation; garage and gate automation, and video intercoms. We also offer Veridot which enables us to identify and recover assets and goods.

All of our vehicles have satellite tracking installed, so we can alert the closest vehicle to your location. Not many armed response companies have this level of sophistication.